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Voix Moi

Voix Moi is a community outreach project by Lucoda dance collective, constructed within the 'Neistart' fund, to combat the results of the pandemic. Rehearsed and choreographed over Zoom, and finally meeting their duet partner only on the day, the project aimed to bringing people of different ages together, to presend dance for and to the community in the commune of Sanem, Luxembourg. June 2021

Choreography: Lucoda dance collective - Aifric Ni Chaoimh alongside other duets by Rhiannon Morgan, Carine Baccega, Jovi Anousaki and Giovanni Zazzera.

Supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Commune of Sanem

Inside, the Wolf...

An artistic collaboration between dancer-choreographers Aifric Ní Chaoimh and Daniel Persson and composer-musician Gemma Dunleavy, this piece takes the form of a mythical story set within a distant tribe. The public encounters Elba, who is engaged in a rite of passage, during which she comes to face her wild instincts in the form of Dakash, her spirit animal. During this journey of self-discovery, the mysterious Dakash leads her to better understand her hidden nature, to transcend her limits and emotions and to reveal her inner strength. The music and presence of the musician on stage accompany the audience and frame this strange and moving encounter, mixed with humanity and primitive instincts.


Project supported by Trois C-L, Luxembourg and premiered as part of 'Émergences Volume IV' at Banannefabrik, Luxembourg in May 2017.

Concept and choreography: Aifric Ní Chaoimh

Co-choreography: Daniel Persson

Music composition and live performance: Gemma Dunleavy

Performers: Aifric Ní Chaoimh and Daniel Persson

Costumes: Aifric Ní Chaoimh and Jackie Dunleavy


Melusina's Moves

Melusina's Moves is an education and outreach project for young dancers, with the aim to bring contemporary dance to young audiences in schools in Luxembourg. It was performed in 2020 within schools.

Choreography: Stefano Spinelli and Aifric Ni Chaoimh

Producer: Charlotte Reuter

Support: Fondation de Luxembourg

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